July 3, 2024

6 Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera Juice

6 Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera is a succulent plant that grows in both tropical and arid climates. Gel harvested from the aloe plant’s leaves has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to treat skin ailments like wounds and infections. While many people reach for aloe vera gel to soothe a sunburn, fewer know that aloe might also provide potential benefits when consumed as juice.

Learn more about the research behind these potential benefits below and discover how much aloe vera juice experts recommend drinking per day.

What Is Aloe Vera Juice?

Aloe vera juice comes from the plant’s gel and leaves, which contain approximately 99% water. Two different kinds of aloe juice are commonly available commercially, each with slightly different processing methods.

  • Inner leaf juice is made from pure aloe leaf gel harvested from inside the leaves. None of the outer leaf matter is present.
  • Decolorized whole-leaf juice is made by grinding whole aloe leaves and removing the latex (the layer separating the outer leaf and the gel) with activated charcoal. The latex is removed due to its association with diarrhea and gallbladder issues.

“[Aloe juice] may have some benefits for your overall health, which includes your skin, dental, digestive and oral health,” explains Laura Purdy, M.D., a family physician based in Nashville.

Potential Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Not much research directly explores the benefits of aloe juice. However, since aloe vera juice is made from the gel and contains the same compounds, it may provide similar benefits, which could include the following.

Antioxidant Effects

Aloe vera contains antioxidants, including vitamins A and C. “Antioxidants are good for your body because they combat free radicals, which can damage your body and lead to health risks,” explains Dr. Purdy.

A diet high in antioxidants can reduce the risk of certain chronic illnesses, like heart disease. However, no research directly connects aloe juice to these effects.

Skincare Benefits

When applied topically, aloe vera may provide anti-inflammatory skincare effects and promote wound healing. But some research indicates that aloe may also benefit the skin when taken internally.

In a small 2020 study published in the Journal of Dermatology, 122 healthy female participants took either a placebo or an oral aloe supplement for a period of 12 weeks. At the end of the study, researchers found that the aloe group’s skin retained more moisture, indicating that the aloe supplement had improved their skin barrier function. What’s more, the aloe group also had higher levels of collagen, suggesting that the aloe boosted collagen production. However, the study involved an aloe supplement, so further research is needed to confirm similar effects in aloe juice.

Digestive Health

Initial research suggests aloe vera juice may provide a complementary therapy for conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) according to Chrissy Arsenault, a registered dietitian for Trainer Academy in Denver.

For instance, one 2018 review found that ingesting aloe orally led to improved symptoms in people with IBS over placebo, especially pain. Researchers believe this may be due to aloe’s natural anti-inflammatory properties.

Arsenault sometimes recommends aloe juice as a supplement for people with digestive issues that aren’t easily resolved with medication or avoidance of triggering foods.

Oral Health

Aloe vera is an adaptogen, a substance that strengthens the body in response to internal or external stressors. Some research has found that aloe could promote oral health or support the treatment of certain dental conditions.

One 2022 Indian study assessed 50 people with oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF) – a precancerous condition that causes uncomfortable symptoms in the mouth, like burning sensations, stiffness and a protruding tongue. Qualifying participants drank 30 milliliters of aloe juice twice daily. At the end of the six-month study period, researchers found that aloe juice was associated with a reduction of symptoms, including burning in the mouth and tongue protrusion.

A small 2015 study also associated an aloe vera mouthwash with relief from mouth pain in people with chemotherapy-induced stomatitis. Aloe may also help inhibit bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease.

Blood Sugar Control

“[Aloe vera juice] can also improve your blood sugar levels,” says Dr. Purdy.

One small 2015 study in the Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders assessed the effects of aloe vera in adults with prediabetes. Seventy-two participants took either an oral aloe supplement or a placebo over a period of eight weeks. Not only did the aloe group experience a significant drop in fasting blood sugar levels over placebo, but their total cholesterol levels were also lower. But again, this involved ingesting aloe gel, not aloe juice, and further research is needed to confirm how aloe influences people with diabetes.

Immune Boost

Aloe vera contains compounds that may support the immune system, such as polysaccharides and glycoproteins. Polysaccharides can stimulate immune cells and promote the production of anti-inflammatory substances, while glycoproteins make up almost all the key molecules in the immune response. The vitamins in aloe may also support immunity.

That said, little research directly investigates the immune potential of drinking aloe vera.

How Much Aloe Vera Juice Should You Drink?

While there isn’t a recommended daily serving of aloe juice, Dr. Purdy and Arsenault suggest starting with a small serving and working one’s way up. Both recommend a maximum of 8 ounces of juice per day.

“This amount can also be diluted into other beverages, including water and juice, for taste,” Arsenault adds. “Most manufacturers of aloe vera juice recommend drinking it 30 minutes before meals.”

Aloe Vera Juice Risks And Side Effects

“Aloe vera is generally safe for most people to use,” says Arsenault. However, she notes that its effects on digestion may lead to side effects like diarrhea or an upset stomach. In fact, aloe latex was previously used as a laxative ingredient, but the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) withdrew approval in 2002, due to a lack of evidence supporting its safety profile. “I recommend taking it in smaller amounts and increasing use gradually to avoid these side effects,” Arsenault adds.

Who Should Avoid or Limit Aloe Vera Juice?

Certain people should use caution when drinking aloe juice or avoid it altogether, including the following.

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women. “Aloe can cause premature uterine contractions and could trigger miscarriage if drinking in large volumes,” explains Arsenault.
  • People with lily allergies. Aloe vera can cause adverse reactions in people who are allergic to plants and foods from the lily family, such as onions.
  • People with diabetes. Aloe vera juice may lower fasting glucose values so it can be good for those with diabetes, but they need to monitor their glucose values for hypoglycemia, particularly if they’re taking anti-diabetic medications.
  • People who take diuretics. Aloe can decrease potassium in the body, which may interact with diuretic medications and cause a potassium deficiency.

If you fit into any of the above groups and experience adverse effects after drinking aloe juice, contact a health care professional immediately.

Aloe vera may possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Research suggests that drinking aloe juice could provide some potential benefits, such as supporting the digestive system. According to experts, aloe juice is safe for most adults in servings of up to 8 ounces per day. Like any supplement, it’s a good idea to talk to a doctor or dietitian before adding aloe to your routine.

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