July 5, 2024

Doctor warns why you should never hold in your farts.

Doctor warns why you should never hold in your farts

Not letting the gas out could spell bad news for your bowel lining, potentially leading to inflammation and pain, according to a medical expert.

A doctor has shed light on the concerning reason why suppressing flatulence can have detrimental effects on your health.

While there are instances when releasing gas may seem socially inappropriate, Dr. Karan Raj has taken to TikTok to emphasize the potential severe consequences of holding in your farts.

The gastrointestinal (GI) system spans from your lips to your bottom, encompassing various digestive processes. The culmination of these processes involves the movement of fecal matter, a combination of digested food and bacteria.

Methane, a common component in flatulence, can disrupt this natural flow. Although it doesn’t completely halt the movement, the presence of gas bubbles can create a barrier between the intestinal walls and the contents, impeding their progress.

Retaining a fart essentially keeps these gas bubbles within your gastrointestinal tract. Dr. Raj, however, cautions that the repercussions extend beyond mere discomfort.

In the video, he explains, “When you don’t get rid of some of that gas, it can be absorbed through the lining of the gut and make its way into the bloodstream. From there, it makes its way into the lungs, where we breathe it out.”

Consequently, not releasing gas may lead to bad breath, as the absorbed gases find their way into the bloodstream and eventually the respiratory system. Dr. Karan Raj’s warning serves as a reminder that what might be perceived as a minor inconvenience can, in fact, have more intricate and potentially undesirable health implications.

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